
About me

Always been passionate about the world of art and technology, already at the age of 13 I began to self-taught the basics of digital and traditional design. I'm also a great lover of video games, comics and cinema, I especially love the horror genre and everything that has a exciting plot!


Web Developer

Entiende S.r.l. | December 2022

Member of the tech IT team where I developed:

  • landing pages made in React and using TypeScript,
  • management of the CRM (release and server) created with Angular, MongoDB and Sequelize,
  • building APIs and microservices with NestJS,
  • creation of wikis and documentation for the team with in-depth explanations on topics such as SEO and Google suites.

Junior Full Stack Web Developer Trainee

Boolean Careers | February – September 2022

Full Stack Development course where I learned to:

  • created layout using semantic HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap replicating web pages like Dropbox and Discord,
  • wrote small interfaces with Vue.js and vanilla JavaScript inspired by Netflix and Spotify,
  • created PHP/Laravel applications and SQL scripts,
  • carried out final project (webapp inspired by Airbnb) in team managing everything via Git taking care of the development of the front-end part with Vue.js

Twitch Streamer Affiliate

Twitch | December 2017

On the platform I have:

  • made contents of illustration, cosplay, DIY, talk and gameplay,
  • work on the graphics, video and audio editing, managed moderation, communication on social media and community building,
  • helped me to develop my public speaking, stress management and public relations skills

Editor Junior

Ridble | March - August 2015

I managed articles in the gaming industry and improved my post writing and news writing in real time with group editorial development and reviews of products, games and multimedia services.


Freelance | since 2018

I produced, managed and promoted my business as a commissioned graphic designer, illustrator and cosplay craftsman.

Emme hype